Global variables for analysis

Register analysis parameter or functions to use on SQL query as prompt value. For example, to get current date from system and put that condition in WHERE clause, register as parameter and set detailed fuction as value. The SQL query that have automatically replaced with proper value from function results on the fly.

Editing analysis parameter

Analysis - Variables


Page toolbar to add / delete variable.
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Add variable
Delete variable with check selected items.


Double click each item to edit / update parameter values


Example of analysis global parameter

   Types of Parameter

SYSTEM : System reserved variables

DVAR : Dynamic variable executed before running report service

SVAR : Variable set values on login time.

DPKG : Used on datasource define on Preprocessor and post processor execution
(This is not a parameter to use on report purpose)


Example to set previous date(System date)

Add vaiable and type with DVAR, and Name to use on dynamic SQL. Register parameter value with DATE;yyyyMMdd;D,-1. yyyyMMdd is java based string.

To use SQL query output as dynamic variable, the value example is as follows.

SELECT dname FROM igcdept WHERE dname=${groupname}